Title: Boxed In
I started by painting the background for the one above and while that was drying, painted the background for the one below (a light yellow, which is hard to see in the photo). Both backgrounds were a mix of colors. The top one being from red and black, though from the video I posted previously, the person recommended using purple for a darker shade. I like the resulting color though, plus I didn't have purple and have made a mental note to buy that next time I go for supplies. The picture below was yellow and white mixed together.
Title: Vines
By doing both I was able to practice different techniques. Boxed In allowed me to practice painting solid shapes and having their borders be where I wanted them to be as opposed to my first ever painting. Vines was practicing drawing lines like last week's painting and curls.
I think next week I am going to paint these onto actual canvas.
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