Saturday, February 12, 2011

New Painting

As promised, I am posting a picture of my latest painting.

Title: Greek Inspiration

What this picture doesn't show is that the background has varying shades in the back and it also looks lighter in the photo.  That was unintentional as I mixed colors to make this background.  It is actually very close to the shade I was thinking of back when I came up with the idea.  Also, I just realized that taking the picture with a blue blanket in back was probably not the best place but I'm not trying to be professional here.

Why call it Greek Inspiration?  Because I was actually looking at an ancient Greek pot when I came up with the idea back at the exhibition preview I mentioned earlier.  It's not a copy of what I saw but the main concept is the same.  Though they used a lot of rustic orange, I decided to have a blue background to make it more contemporary. 

The lines were a lot harder to paint than I thought.  But that's one thing I know I can practice at home to improve on.

Things I've Learned
1.  I have already improved on having the paint go where I want it to (a problem I mentioned with the first painting.

2.  Though it sounds simple enough, painting lines isn't exactly a walk in the park.

3.  White paint is my friend when trying to get a lighter shade.

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