Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Abstract Art

Finally was able to paint.  This one actually took two days to paint.  Partly because I couldn't decide how to finish it.  This one, I've decided, will also be for sale in my mother's show for $10 - $15.

Well, back to studying and finishing up papers!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Creativity Need Elsewhere

I haven't painted since the Egyptian Night painting nor have I had any new ideas of something to paint.  This is partly due to the fact that I had a paper due today and have an even bigger paper due next Friday which has taken up the bulk of my free-time.  However, after that I will have much more time to paint because the funding for one of my jobs runs out next week as well so I will be there less often afterwards (I'm volunteering to beef up my resume but will be there less than now).  Plus, the show will be coming up quickly after that so I need to get my butt in gear if I'm to sell much and try to earn back the money I spent on art supplies!